Apr 16, 2024

Vancouver, BC - In celebration of National Volunteer Week (April 14-20), the Office of Student Engagement is proud to spotlight VOLT student volunteers who dedicate many hours to help make snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ Langara College a great place to study.  

VOLT is a volunteer program that provides Langara students with the opportunity to make new connections, learn new skills, and gain experience while giving back to the community. Since VOLT began in 2010, 3,352 students have volunteered over 126,629 hours. That is the equivalent of 69 years of work on a 35-hour work week or $2.1 million in minimum wage. 

This year’s national theme is Every Moment Matters, highlighting the importance of every volunteer and each contribution they make. The sharing of time, skills, empathy, and creativity is vital to the inclusivity, strength, and wellbeing of our communities. 

We are fortunate to have dedicated volunteers in our community here at  Langara College who continue to empower those around them. Meet two amazing students who contribute countless hours towards making every moment matter.

garibul.jpgGaribul Singh is studying an Associates of Science in Computer Science. He was inspired since his first day of college by the teamwork and camaraderie observed among VOLT members and motivated to get involved with the VOLT community.  

“I am grateful for the connections I have made and the laughter shared with each person I've encountered,” said Garibul. “In my culture, there is a practice that involves contributing one-tenth of one's earnings to the community. And while I may not be able to contribute financially, I am eager to give my time and efforts.” 

One of the most memorable moments of volunteering for Garibul is the satisfaction of helping new students and seeing their smiles of gratitude, including the polite introductions from new students who introduce him to their circle of friends.  

For Garibul, volunteering had the added benefit of enhancing his professional communication skills, further expanding his network, and opening his mind.

Virginia Kurniawan is a business management student who wants to connect with others. As an international studentvirginia.jpg she didn’t really have any connections beyond the classroom, so after some encouragement from an acquaintance she joined the Garuda Indonesian Langara Association (GILA) club as their social media coordinator. She later joined the Langara Film Club.  

“It was pretty tough being involved with two clubs, as I was taking five courses as well, but I enjoyed learning more about time management, creativity, and especially connecting with other students and enjoying activities together,” said Virginia. 

A highlight for Virginia is attending events and meeting other students. Though she found it hard to connect with people outside of class, these events provided a good opportunity to meet people who enjoy similar hobbies while also making a difference in her community and the lives of others. 

 “I believe some students could enjoy their time before or after class by going to a club event and meet their friends,” said Virginia. “It makes college days a little bit more joyous than just studying.” 

Taking a full courseload and two clubs helped Virginia manage her time well and grow in networking, leadership, and teamwork. 

Students interested in volunteering can visit langara.ca/the-hub/volt.